Alright I know I am horrible at this whole blogging thing when it comes to keeping up with mine however I love checking everyone elses so I have a renewed hoped that I will improve and try to do it a little more often. My life has been super crazy since I blogged last but more in the last month then ever before. Since I blogged last we have celebrated Christmas, New Years, Valentines St. Patricks Day Easter and Jackson's 5th Birthday you would think that I had lots to blog about. But today I am going to talk about our projects we have been working on for the last month. Rick and I have been talking about putting new carpet in our house of a long time basically since we moved in, the builders (DR Horton) did the cheapest crap ever so we thought well let's do it before the baby comes so since we were going to do carpet we might as well paint the whole house and put hardwood in the kitchen which did not seem like that big of a project at the time. So we started with painting the first weekend of April, and Rick thought well lets just pull back the carpet so we can paint the baseboards easier, so that was my job to paint all the baseboards and doors (keep in mind I am 36 weeks pregnant) We painted every wall and ceiling in this house as well as baseboard. Painting takes a long time, the next weekend we celebrated Jackson's birthday and recruited the family to help put in hardwood floors they didn't finish them however did get a lot done and help Rick get started, we have since finished the hardwood and they look beautiful, carpet went in about a week and half ago and it is so nice to have good soft carpet I am in love with it. We are getting close to being done however we have a few odds and ends here and there that Rick has been wraping up. It looks soo good however so different, before we had light carpet and light wall color, now we have dark carpet and a darker brown wall color. It has made it look like a brand new place. You will all have to come and see it after I have the baby....which will be here in about 6 days. I am getting more excited now that things are almost done to have this little girl. Natalie is scheduled to be born on May 3rd at 12 at Alta View. I promise to update my blog and post pictures as soon as I take some of this little girl. The boys are now sharing a room and can't wait for baby Natalie to come. Here are a couple of pictures of the last few months...
Football is my Favorite Season
6 months ago